Instagram Automation Tool

This was 6th Semester of my college. I was watching alot of youtube videos on how to grow Instagram follower and how to earn some extra bucks by growing another Instagram account with more than 50K followers. I leanred that here also people push out content and rely on automating tools to get real engagements. So the thing was Instagram algorithm will push out one's content more if the account is more active. Like if he is engaging with other IG accounts, liking, commenting, following then automatically some of those IG accounts will engage back and this will rank his account better. And slowly the account will get alot of organic growth. And then I realized almost every successfull IG account is using some automating tool to follow, unfollow, like, comment and automate pulishing of content timing.
So I thought, lets make such automating tool for myself. Since most of them cost alot.
My plan for my script was to -> Login -> Prepare hashtags to engage and comment list. -> Populate Follow list -> Check Profile if fake/active -> Follow -> Like-Comment -> Unfollow 2 days ago profiles.
Rules to abide the script wants to be under radar of IG algo. Follow/Unfollow no more than 150 accounts in a day. Like no more than 300 posts, comment in no more than 100 posts. And to circulate it the script round the clock so that distributed automations take place with generous time.sleep().
Since Instagram is very dynamic, I used Selenium with Chrome. It took alot of workarounds but after near to 300 lines of Python code it was working as intended. I used it for like 2-3 days then it stopped working. I had to again start the script from scratch. And again the same thing happened. So currently my Instagram-Manager Tool is working but it needs more automation fixes. Feel free to commit to my Github repo.