Open-Source Development

You are here and why should you care?

First things first- Open Source Software is a computer software whose source code is made publicly available for modification and enhancements. It is released under various licenses like BSD, MIT etc. [Suggested Read - What is Open Source (OSS) ]

Maybe you are a programmer trying to learn and apply new things but what if I tell you, you can apply your coding skill to solve a real world problem right now. Let's take an example- you can update a new feature in firefox browser, you can solve a bug in the ubuntu OS, and millions of people would be using your feature or the fix. You would be writing "prodution ready code". And that's very important "feature" for a programmer. Open Source Programming has a basketfull of perks like you will be meeting with some of the great programmers, better design concepts, reading other people's code will improve the style of writing the code, why and where is documentation important and countless more.

Let's get Amazed

Brief History of Open Source Code

How to get started with Open Source Development

It will be unfair for me to write about open-source development without mentioning dgpLUG and GSOC [Google Summer of Code].

Want to move on to next stage?
[Suggested Reads and Videos]

p.s - This article is a curation of different sources regarding Open Source Contributions. Thankyou hackerearth, medium, summerofcode and all the other sources for the information regarding Open Source Contributions and relevant topics.

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