About Me?
If you are here then you already know that I'm a programmer. Apart from coding, I'm currently pursuing
B.Tech a.k.a "enginnering" with specialization in Computer Science Engineering in SRM University. And I'm
currently in my final year. I sometime play games and I love to watch tech videos on Youtube. I'm big fan
of Sherlock Holmes and Feluda. And Elon Musk is and will be my biggest inspiration.

Download Resume
Centralised Platform for Question Paper and Notes Sharing
Papersort is an effort towards making a centralised platfrom for college
as well as school students where they an find their resective question papers
and notes,according to their preference. LAMP stack was used to build this proejct.
To know more visit papersort.
Instagram Automation Tool
Instagram bot that would follow, unfollow, like and comment on particular hashtagged contents to drive engagements to my Insta account.
Instagram to Twitter Bot
This is a bot that scrapes specific pages from Instagram for new posts and tweets them here. Specifically programmer and Elon jokes/updates. And to automate the process by CRON job on AWS EC2. Visit @PandaCoding on twitter.
SRM Elab Print Automation
To automate 320 clicks worth of saving solved programming question on local computer for every student. Estimating nearly 45 to 60 minutes of task got automated using Python. Visit my github repo for more info.
SRM ERP Manager
A flask application that will scrape data from original srm erp website and show the numbers of hours that can be bunked in specific subject. And to show the percentage till last semester by converting GPA to percentage. Visit my github repo for more info.
DCube blogs
Multiple blogs regarding competetive programming, open source contriution and others can be found here. This platform - DCube was created for a club which is not operational now. But you can still read the blogs written/curated by me.
So That's It?
More is Coming!!!
For sure I will be working on more cool and
awesome projects. And would be learning more languages and stuffs. I will
surely keep those posted here. Until then, here is my resume and you can follow me on Quora.